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A factory for behavior trees. This allows the registration of new node types and the generation of BehaviorTrees from XML files.

A factory maintains state that allows node repetition and subtree insertion to be automatically handled.

Source code in src/dendron/
class BehaviorTreeFactory:
    A factory for behavior trees. This allows the registration of new
    node types and the generation of `BehaviorTree`s from XML files.

    A factory maintains state that allows node repetition and subtree 
    insertion to be automatically handled.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.registry = {}
        self.node_counts = {}
        self.node_types = {}
        self.functors = {}
        self.neural_configs = {}

        self.registry["Fallback"] = Fallback
        self.registry["Sequence"] = Sequence
        self.registry["Inverter"] = Inverter
        self.registry["AlwaysSuccess"] = AlwaysSuccess
        self.registry["AlwaysFailure"] = AlwaysFailure
        self.registry["AsyncAction"] = AsyncAction
        self.registry["CausalLMAction"] = CausalLMAction
        self.registry["ImageLMAction"] = ImageLMAction
        self.registry["PipelineAction"] = PipelineAction

        # We replace SubTree nodes with the subtree root, so 
        # we use None as a placeholder here. 
        self.registry["SubTree"] = None 

        self.node_counts["Fallback"] = 0
        self.node_counts["Sequence"] = 0
        self.node_counts["Inverter"] = 0
        self.node_counts["AlwaysSuccess"] = 0
        self.node_counts["AlwaysFailure"] = 0
        self.node_counts["AsyncAction"] = 0
        self.node_counts["CausalLMAction"] = 0
        self.node_counts["ImageLMAction"] = 0
        self.node_counts["PipelineAction"] = 0

        self.node_types["Fallback"] = NodeType.CONTROL
        self.node_types["Sequence"] = NodeType.CONTROL
        self.node_types["Inverter"] = NodeType.DECORATOR
        self.node_types["AlwaysSuccess"] = NodeType.ACTION
        self.node_types["AlwaysFailure"] = NodeType.ACTION
        self.node_types["AsyncAction"] = NodeType.ACTION
        self.node_types["CausalLMAction"] = NodeType.ACTION
        self.node_types["ImageLMAction"] = NodeType.ACTION
        self.node_types["PipelineAction"] = NodeType.ACTION

        self.node_types["SubTree"] = NodeType.SUBTREE

        self.current_blackboard = None
        self.tree_nodes_model = None
        self.behavior_trees = {}

    def register_neural_config(self, name, cfg) -> None:
        Register a configuration object for a neural network
        based node.

            name (str):
                The name of the configuration object. This should match
                the name used in Groot.
                The configuration object. At present, one of `CausalLMActionConfig`,
                `ImageLMActionConfig`, `PipelineActionConfig`, or `CompletionConditionConfig`.
        self.neural_configs[name] = cfg

    def register_action_type(self, name, action) -> None:
        Register a new type of action node.

            name (str):
                The name of the new action node type.
                The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
        self.registry[name] = action 
        self.node_counts[name] = 0
        self.node_types[name] = NodeType.ACTION

    def register_condition_type(self, name, condition) -> None:
        Register a new type of condition node.

            name (str):
                The name of the new condition type.
                The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
        self.registry[name] = condition
        self.node_counts[name] = 0
        self.node_types[name] = NodeType.CONDITION

    def register_decorator_type(self, name, decorator) -> None:
        Register a new type of decorator node.

            name (str):
                The name of the new decorator type.
                The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
        self.registry[name] = decorator
        self.node_counts[name] = 0
        self.node_types[name] = NodeType.DECORATOR

    def register_simple_action(self, name, action_function) -> None:
        Register a new simple action. Allows the specification of an
        action and a callback in one step.

            name (str):
                The name of the new simple action node type.
            action_function (Callable):
                A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.
        self.registry[name] = SimpleAction
        self.functors[name] = action_function
        self.node_counts[name] = 0
        self.node_types[name] = NodeType.ACTION

    def register_simple_condition(self, name, condition_function) -> None:
        Register a new simple condition. Allows the specification of
        a condition and a callback in one step.

            name (str):
                The name of the simple condition node type.
            condition_function (Callable):
                A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.
        self.registry[name] = SimpleCondition
        self.functors[name] = condition_function
        self.node_counts[name] = 0
        self.node_types[name] = NodeType.CONDITION

    def create_from_groot(self, xml_filename : str) -> BehaviorTree:
        Create a `BehaviorTree` instance from an XML file generated by the 
        open-source Groot2 program.

            xml_filename (`str`):
                The name of the file containing the XML.

            `BehaviorTree`: A behavior tree that instantiates the structure 
            described in the XML file.
        self.current_blackboard = Blackboard()

        xml_tree = ET.parse(xml_filename)
        xml_root = xml_tree.getroot()

        if not "BTCPP_format" in xml_root.attrib:
            raise RuntimeError("XML missing BTCPP_format")
        if xml_root.attrib["BTCPP_format"] != "4":
            raise RuntimeError("BTCPP_format must be 4")

        has_main_tree = "main_tree_to_execute" in xml_root.attrib
        main_tree_name = None
        if has_main_tree:
            main_tree_name = xml_root.attrib["main_tree_to_execute"]

        tree_nodes_xml = None
        behavior_tree_xml = []
        main_tree = None
        for child in xml_root:
            if child.tag == "TreeNodesModel":
                tree_nodes_xml = child
            elif child.tag == "BehaviorTree":
                if "ID" in child.attrib and child.attrib["ID"] == main_tree_name:
                    main_tree = child

        # load TreeNodesModel
        for child in tree_nodes_xml:
            match child.tag:
                case "Action":
                    self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.ACTION
                case "Condition":
                    self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.CONDITION
                case "Control":
                    self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.CONTROL
                case "Decorator":
                    self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.DECORATOR

        if not has_main_tree and len(behavior_tree_xml) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Multiple behavior trees but no main tree.")

        if main_tree is None and len(behavior_tree_xml) == 1:
            main_tree = behavior_tree_xml[0]

        # load each behavior tree
        ## convert the other trees
        parse_order = get_parse_order(xml_root)
        for tree_name in parse_order:
            if tree_name == main_tree_name:
            tree = None
            for child in xml_root:
                if child.tag != "BehaviorTree":
                child_name = child.attrib["ID"]
                if child_name != tree_name:
                    tree = self.parse_behavior_tree_groot(child_name, child)
                    self.behavior_trees[tree_name] = tree

        # parse the main tree last
        main_tree = self.parse_behavior_tree_groot(main_tree.attrib["ID"], main_tree)
        self.behavior_trees[main_tree_name] = main_tree

        return main_tree

    def parse_behavior_tree_groot(self, tree_name, xml_node) -> BehaviorTree:
        tree_type = self.node_types[xml_node[0].tag]
        root_node = None
        match tree_type:
            case NodeType.ACTION:
                root_node = self.parse_action_node_groot(xml_node[0])
            case NodeType.CONDITION:
                root_node = self.parse_condition_node_groot(xml_node[0])
            case NodeType.CONTROL:
                root_node = self.parse_control_node_groot(xml_node[0])
            case NodeType.DECORATOR:
                root_node = self.parse_decorator_node_groot(xml_node[0])
            case NodeType.SUBTREE:
                root_node = self.parse_subtree_node_groot(xml_node[0])

        bt = BehaviorTree(tree_name, root_node)
        return bt

    def parse_action_node_groot(self, xml_node) -> ActionNode:
        tag = xml_node.tag
        if not tag in self.registry:
            raise KeyError(f"Undefined action {tag}.")

        node_id = self.node_counts[tag]
        node_name = tag + "_" + str(node_id)

        if self.registry[tag] == SimpleAction:
            f = self.functors[tag]
            new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name, f)
            new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name)

        self.node_counts[tag] += 1

        if xml_node.attrib:
            for key in xml_node.attrib:
                self.current_blackboard[key] = xml_node.attrib[key]

        return new_node

    def parse_condition_node_groot(self, xml_node) -> ConditionNode:
        tag = xml_node.tag
        if not tag in self.registry:
            raise KeyError(f"Undefined condition {tag}.")

        node_id = self.node_counts[tag]
        node_name = tag + "_" + str(node_id)

        if self.registry[tag] == SimpleCondition:
            f = self.functors[tag]
            new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name, f)
            new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name)

        self.node_counts[tag] += 1

        if xml_node.attrib:
            for key in xml_node.attrib:
                self.current_blackboard[key] = xml_node.attrib[key]

        return new_node

    def parse_control_node_groot(self, xml_node) -> ControlNode:
        tag = xml_node.tag
        if not tag in self.registry:
            raise KeyError(f"Undefined control {tag}.")

        node_id = self.node_counts[tag]
        node_name = tag + "_" + str(node_id)

        self.node_counts[tag] += 1

        if xml_node.attrib:
            for key in xml_node.attrib:
                self.current_blackboard[key] = xml_node.attrib[key]

        # parse children
        child_nodes = []
        for child_xml in xml_node:
            if not child_xml.tag in self.registry:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Unregistered node {child_xml.tag}")

            match self.node_types[child_xml.tag]:
                case NodeType.ACTION:
                    child_node = self.parse_action_node_groot(child_xml)
                case NodeType.CONDITION:
                    child_node = self.parse_condition_node_groot(child_xml)
                case NodeType.CONTROL:
                    child_node = self.parse_control_node_groot(child_xml)
                case NodeType.DECORATOR:
                    child_node = self.parse_decorator_node_groot(child_xml)
                case NodeType.SUBTREE:
                    child_node = self.parse_subtree_node_groot(child_xml)


        new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name, child_nodes)

        return new_node

    def parse_decorator_node_groot(self, xml_node) -> DecoratorNode:
        tag = xml_node.tag
        if not tag in self.registry:
            raise KeyError(f"Undefined decorator {tag}.")

        node_id = self.node_counts[tag]
        node_name = tag + "_" + str(node_id)

        self.node_counts[tag] += 1

        if xml_node.attrib:
            for key in xml_node.attrib:
                self.current_blackboard[key] = xml_node.attrib[key]

        child_node = None
        child_xml = xml_node[0]
        match self.node_types[child_xml.tag]:
            case NodeType.ACTION:
                child_node = self.parse_action_node_groot(child_xml)
            case NodeType.CONDITION:
                child_node = self.parse_condition_node_groot(child_xml)
            case NodeType.CONTROL:
                child_node = self.parse_control_node_groot(child_xml)
            case NodeType.DECORATOR:
                child_node = self.parse_decorator_node_groot(child_xml)
            case NodeType.SUBTREE:
                child_node = self.parse_subtree_node_groot(child_xml)

        new_node = self.registry[tag](node_name, child_node)
        return new_node

    def parse_subtree_node_groot(self, xml_node) -> TreeNode:
        subtree_name = xml_node.attrib["ID"]

        # TODO is deepcopy good enough?
        return deepcopy(self.behavior_trees[subtree_name].root)

register_neural_config(name, cfg)

Register a configuration object for a neural network based node.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the configuration object. This should match the name used in Groot.


The configuration object. At present, one of CausalLMActionConfig, ImageLMActionConfig, PipelineActionConfig, or CompletionConditionConfig.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_neural_config(self, name, cfg) -> None:
    Register a configuration object for a neural network
    based node.

        name (str):
            The name of the configuration object. This should match
            the name used in Groot.
            The configuration object. At present, one of `CausalLMActionConfig`,
            `ImageLMActionConfig`, `PipelineActionConfig`, or `CompletionConditionConfig`.
    self.neural_configs[name] = cfg

register_action_type(name, action)

Register a new type of action node.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the new action node type.


The constructor (class name) of the new node type.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_action_type(self, name, action) -> None:
    Register a new type of action node.

        name (str):
            The name of the new action node type.
            The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
    self.registry[name] = action 
    self.node_counts[name] = 0
    self.node_types[name] = NodeType.ACTION

register_condition_type(name, condition)

Register a new type of condition node.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the new condition type.


The constructor (class name) of the new node type.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_condition_type(self, name, condition) -> None:
    Register a new type of condition node.

        name (str):
            The name of the new condition type.
            The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
    self.registry[name] = condition
    self.node_counts[name] = 0
    self.node_types[name] = NodeType.CONDITION

register_decorator_type(name, decorator)

Register a new type of decorator node.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the new decorator type.


The constructor (class name) of the new node type.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_decorator_type(self, name, decorator) -> None:
    Register a new type of decorator node.

        name (str):
            The name of the new decorator type.
            The constructor (class name) of the new node type.
    self.registry[name] = decorator
    self.node_counts[name] = 0
    self.node_types[name] = NodeType.DECORATOR

register_simple_action(name, action_function)

Register a new simple action. Allows the specification of an action and a callback in one step.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the new simple action node type.

action_function Callable

A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_simple_action(self, name, action_function) -> None:
    Register a new simple action. Allows the specification of an
    action and a callback in one step.

        name (str):
            The name of the new simple action node type.
        action_function (Callable):
            A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.
    self.registry[name] = SimpleAction
    self.functors[name] = action_function
    self.node_counts[name] = 0
    self.node_types[name] = NodeType.ACTION

register_simple_condition(name, condition_function)

Register a new simple condition. Allows the specification of a condition and a callback in one step.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the simple condition node type.

condition_function Callable

A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.

Source code in src/dendron/
def register_simple_condition(self, name, condition_function) -> None:
    Register a new simple condition. Allows the specification of
    a condition and a callback in one step.

        name (str):
            The name of the simple condition node type.
        condition_function (Callable):
            A callback to execute each time this node is ticked.
    self.registry[name] = SimpleCondition
    self.functors[name] = condition_function
    self.node_counts[name] = 0
    self.node_types[name] = NodeType.CONDITION


Create a BehaviorTree instance from an XML file generated by the open-source Groot2 program.


Name Type Description Default
xml_filename `str`

The name of the file containing the XML.



Type Description

BehaviorTree: A behavior tree that instantiates the structure


described in the XML file.

Source code in src/dendron/
def create_from_groot(self, xml_filename : str) -> BehaviorTree:
    Create a `BehaviorTree` instance from an XML file generated by the 
    open-source Groot2 program.

        xml_filename (`str`):
            The name of the file containing the XML.

        `BehaviorTree`: A behavior tree that instantiates the structure 
        described in the XML file.
    self.current_blackboard = Blackboard()

    xml_tree = ET.parse(xml_filename)
    xml_root = xml_tree.getroot()

    if not "BTCPP_format" in xml_root.attrib:
        raise RuntimeError("XML missing BTCPP_format")
    if xml_root.attrib["BTCPP_format"] != "4":
        raise RuntimeError("BTCPP_format must be 4")

    has_main_tree = "main_tree_to_execute" in xml_root.attrib
    main_tree_name = None
    if has_main_tree:
        main_tree_name = xml_root.attrib["main_tree_to_execute"]

    tree_nodes_xml = None
    behavior_tree_xml = []
    main_tree = None
    for child in xml_root:
        if child.tag == "TreeNodesModel":
            tree_nodes_xml = child
        elif child.tag == "BehaviorTree":
            if "ID" in child.attrib and child.attrib["ID"] == main_tree_name:
                main_tree = child

    # load TreeNodesModel
    for child in tree_nodes_xml:
        match child.tag:
            case "Action":
                self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.ACTION
            case "Condition":
                self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.CONDITION
            case "Control":
                self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.CONTROL
            case "Decorator":
                self.node_types[child.attrib["ID"]] = NodeType.DECORATOR

    if not has_main_tree and len(behavior_tree_xml) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Multiple behavior trees but no main tree.")

    if main_tree is None and len(behavior_tree_xml) == 1:
        main_tree = behavior_tree_xml[0]

    # load each behavior tree
    ## convert the other trees
    parse_order = get_parse_order(xml_root)
    for tree_name in parse_order:
        if tree_name == main_tree_name:
        tree = None
        for child in xml_root:
            if child.tag != "BehaviorTree":
            child_name = child.attrib["ID"]
            if child_name != tree_name:
                tree = self.parse_behavior_tree_groot(child_name, child)
                self.behavior_trees[tree_name] = tree

    # parse the main tree last
    main_tree = self.parse_behavior_tree_groot(main_tree.attrib["ID"], main_tree)
    self.behavior_trees[main_tree_name] = main_tree

    return main_tree